- If you want a better time, better communication with your committed partner get hold of a copy of Hold Me Tight by Sue Johnson.
- Rekindling Desire by Barry & Emily McCarthy - a practical book written in a conversational style. This could give you ideas for enriching your relationship sexually. Available as a book, and on Kindle.
- If you’re wondering if you might be a sex or pornography addict you could check out Wendy & Larry Maltz’s site: Healthy
- This is a very good place to be reading if you have pain with taking in and wearing tampons, with opening for vaginal examinations or sexual intercourse: Goodwin, A. J. Agronin, M. E. (1997) A Woman’s Guide to Overcoming Sexual Fear & Pain California: New Harbinger Publications
- Vulvodynia
- information on a talking therapy for women and their partners who are dealing with persistent vulval pain
- If you want to feel OK about wanting different amounts of sexual contact or expression than your partner you could read King, R. (1997) Good Loving Great Sex Finding Balance when Desires Differ, Sydney: Random House
- If you want a sense that your low or absent sexual desire is absolutely normal you could read Pertot S. (2005) Perfectly Normal: Living and Loving with Low Libido
- The General Theory of Love explains the mind-body nature of love and includes a chapter on emotional learning and how psychotherapy can help people change. Available as a book or e-book.
- If you would like to know more about male sexuality try:
- Bernie Zilbergeld: The New Male Sexuality
- Or look for a copy of A Man’s Guide To Health (1999) by Consumer’s Institute of New Zealand (probably in a 2nd Hand Bookstore)